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What is Search Engine Optimization?
Search Engine Optimization or SEO is the process of selecting keywords your customers are using to search for your product or service in the search engines and strategically placing them on your Web Site so that you can reach top placement in Google, Yahoo!, Bing, and Ask.com.
Why is Search Engine Optimization important?
There are over 200 million people using Google to search for products and services like yours everyday. Just because you have a website doesn’t mean you’re going to be found by these potential customers. You have to optimize your site for search so customers can find your site first and keep you top of mind when they’re looking to buy your product or service.
How do I find out the best keywords to target?
You can use Google’s Keyword Research Tool to find keywords your potential customers are using to look for your product or service. We can help you determine what keywords are best to target based on user’s buying intentions, the number of searches per month, and how competitive it is to rank for.
What is Link Building?
Search Engines rank sites by who links to your website. Having someone other than yourself link to your website adds to your website’s credibility and increases the likely hood that you will rank for your keyword. We avoid “spammy link building” such as blog comments and social bookmarking and focus our attention on building links on credible websites through guest blogging, article directories, and link directories.
What do the terms “White Hat SEO” and “Black Hat SEO” mean?
The terms White Hat and Black Hat originated from the hacking world. “White Hat SEO” means that when you optimize a site you’re using ethical SEO practices and following Google’s Webmaster Guidelines to do so. As for “Black Hat SEO”, it refers to practicing borderline or extremely risky SEO practices such as cloaking, keyword stuffing, and buying links – all of which can get your website banned from Google.
I’ve been guaranteed a top position by another SEO company. Do you guarantee results?
If someone guarantees results run and run quickly. The companies we’ve witnessed doing this will mislead you by selecting easy to rank for keywords that either have little to do with your business or have low amount of searches per month. The worst part is that these keywords will not drive traffic to your website and will not help you grow your business.
When will we see results?
While the standard answer to this is it could take 3-6 months or even up to a year the truth is that depending on your business, your competitors, your budget and the almighty Google we won’t be able to give you a more accurate picture until we dig deeper into your business. But it’s safe to say it will take somewhere between 3-6 months to gain traction.
What is the difference between SEO and PPC?
SEO or what some people call Organic SEO means that you’ll be ranked in the free listings on the left side of Google’s Results Pages. PPC or Pay Per Click is a form of advertising on search engines like Google where you pay each time some clicks on your ad. We recommend doing both as each have their positives and negatives.
Can’t my Web Designer or Web Developer do our SEO?
Some web designers and web developers will say they’ve already “SEO’d” your site or that they are capable of doing it themselves. While we respect our fellow developers and have worked with developers for years we recommend hiring someone who specializes in SEO because SEO is always changing and a true SEO will be on top of these changes. Besides would you hire your mechanic to clean your teeth?
Will having a blog help with my SEO?
We recommend that all of our clients have a blog. In recent years Google has really put an emphasis on adding fresh content to your site and having a blog is one of the easiest ways of doing this.
How important is PageRank?
PageRank was orginally developed by Google so that they could easily assign a score to a website based on who is linking to them. Since then PageRank has become less and less of a major factor in ranking and is looked as being just one of the factors in ranking for a keyword.
Contact us to talk to a Search Marketing Specialist about your business and how we can help achieve your online goals.
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or Call (512) 981-7764 to talk to a Search Marketing Specialist about your business